• Can I be hypnotized?

    Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, combined with focused concentration. People drift in and out of hypnotic states every day. If you’ve ever daydreamed in class or "spaced out" on a long drive, you’ve experienced a hypnotic state. Everyone has the potential to experience hypnosis. Just as we all possess the ability to relax, focus, and imagine, we can also access the state of heightened suggestibility that characterizes hypnosis. By being open-minded, willing to participate, and guided by a skilled hypnotherapist, anyone can tap into their innate capacity for hypnosis and explore the profound benefits it offers for personal growth, healing, and positive change.

  • What if I dont wake up?

    Sleep and hypnosis are distinct states of consciousness, each with its own unique characteristics. While sleep is a natural physiological process characterized by a complete loss of awareness and responsiveness to external stimuli, hypnosis is a focused and heightened state of awareness characterized by deep relaxation, heightened suggestibility, and concentration. Unlike sleep, individuals in hypnosis remain fully conscious, able to hear and respond to the hypnotherapist, and can awaken from the state at any time. Therefore, although both sleep and hypnosis involve altered states of consciousness, they serve different purposes and have distinct effects on the mind and body.

  • Will I reveal Secrets?

    Subjects under hypnosis maintain control over their thoughts and actions, and they will not reveal secrets or disclose information that they would not willingly share in a waking state. Hypnosis does not compromise one's sense of privacy or confidentiality. Instead, it fosters a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility, allowing individuals to access their subconscious mind and explore personal insights and experiences in a safe and controlled environment.

  • Will I Lose control?

    Subjects under hypnosis do not lose control; instead, they enter a state of heightened suggestibility while retaining full awareness and autonomy. Hypnosis is a collaborative process in which individuals willingly participate and maintain the ability to reject suggestions or awaken from the trance at any time. The hypnotic state fosters relaxation and focused attention, enabling individuals to access their subconscious mind and explore personal insights or therapeutic goals in a safe and controlled manner.

  • Will My mind Be Damaged in any Way?

    No, your mind will not be damaged, altered or changed in any way. You will learn positive ways to change the way you have been thinking.

  • Can I be controlled by the hypnotist?

    Certainly not! Hypnosis is always a “consent” state and you have complete control of the situation at all times.